How to create a professional email signature?
Everyone has a signature! What’s yours?
Assume your profile on LinkedIn as your online CV
LinkedIn is still the social network most people use for professional purposes. So make sure you set up your account carefully and keep it immaculate. Use it like an online CV.
How to call companies after sending your CV
After you have sent in your application, you will need to speak to the recruiter on the phone.
Should you use the european CV model?
A lot of people are using the european CV model but… it’s not possible to stand out from the crowd if you use the same model as everyone. You need to use different models to stand out, to show your creativity!
The worst email addresses on resumes
People are sending a lot of CV to companies and get no answer! Why? Because they’re scaring companies!
You can scare companies with “simple” things like your email address.
Top 9 of the worst Facebook posts and pictures!
You scare companies with your email address!!!
… and with your Facebook profile?