Read inspiring books… that will change your life!
One of the best ways to learn and reach success is through reading especially inspiring books by people that have a career or life style that we would like to have.
The secrets for an impressive resume (CV)
Successful candidates keep up to date with the latest trends in writing CVs. All employers want to hire proactive, dynamic people. An old fashioned CV
Finish your cover letter with something like that
In the book “How to find a job in 30 days”, I wrote a chapter about how you should contact companies by email. I suggest that you finish your cover letter with something like that: “I’ll call next week to talk about this…”
What do you look like on the Internet?
When you type your name into a search engine like Google what comes up? Will people be able to find any information about you on the first page of results of an internet search?
How to write a cover letter for a job application?
Why your cover letter is boring?
You should start with your own story, not with “Dear Sir”… Show passion!
How to avoid the secretary on the phone?
After you have sent in your application, you will need to speak to the recruiter on the phone.
Use a time machine to define your objectives
In the next 5 years do you intend to get a new job, start a company or work in a non-profit organization?
The worst email addresses on resumes
People are sending a lot of CV to companies and get no answer! Why? Because they’re scaring companies!
You can scare companies with “simple” things like your email address.
Top 9 of the worst Facebook posts and pictures!
You scare companies with your email address!!!
… and with your Facebook profile?