In the workshops “How to find a job in 30 days” I always ask the participants what they want to do in 5 years from now, to oblige them to think about their mid/long-term objectives.
In the next 5 years do you intend to get a new job, start a company or work in a non-profit organization?
Besides reading pages 77 to 80 of the book “How to find a job in 30 days”, I suggest that you read this inspiring article written by Bob Sutton, Professor in Stanford University and co-author of the book Scaling Up Excellence:
– Why You Need a Time Machine to Make Big Decisions.
Note how the author gets you to “place yourself” in the future and describe what you “have done” in the last 5 years to be so successful or to become someone practically bankrupt!
Stop what you are doing and imagine that today is the 31th of July of 2022…
Which were the big decisions that helped you to become the successful professional that you are today?
On the other hand, if your life is a mess, which were the big decisions that led you to failure?
Write everything on a sheet of paper. Use that list as an orientating guide to be successful in the next few years or to avoid the obstacles that “led you to misfortune”!
This article completely changed my way of thinking about my 5-year objectives!
I love this type of approach that goes beyond what is considered “normal”.