Society has needs that must be fulfilled and that creates job opportunities.
Education, health, food, transport and communication are just some examples of basic human needs. So for them to be made accessible to people, someone has to work in these fields.
Apart from the basic needs, there is an endless list of goods and services in demand that are often missed by job seekers.
Here are a few examples of jobs which might seem odd but that market needs have turned into opportunities for work:
Lake ball retrievers on golf courses
Leech Breeder
Odour Tester
Dog food taster
Chewing gum remover
Men’s underwear designer
Donkey Barbers
“People pusher” in Tokyo subway
Hotel bed tester
Read also: Which Job Would You Have Had in the 1920s? (Infographic) from Rose Leadem, an online editorial assistant at Entrepreneur Media Inc.
Sources: Jobs worldwide, Daily Mail, Globe